I hope that one day he is able to find the geek girl of his dreams, but I will not be the one to dress in the Princess Leia slave-girl costume.

I have a male friend that holds the position that Star Wars fall from grace occurred when Lucas altered the original film to change the scene between Han Solo and Greedo: Han shot first.                              

Essentially, the action of the morally ambiguous Solo is retroactively changed in the edited re-release to be more conducive to selling toys.

As such, it becomes the Original Sin of the franchise: the movie you first saw no longer exists, and everything after is outside the garden.

My friend extrapolates that this is the seed from which the SJW aspects of the modern Star Wars films flowered.

This argument is, not coincidentally, also why I have never had sex with this friend. I hope that one day he is able to find the geek girl of his dreams, but I will not be the one to dress in the Princess Leia slave-girl costume.
