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I know: it is intoxicating to believe you are a Woke Cassandra standing on the tracks of the oncoming Nazi Train. Unfortunately, you sound like pre-teen girls talking about Slender Man.

It seems that, to diminish Trump, people are more than willing to now trivialize the Holocaust. We have gone from the cries of 'Hitler' to pictures of German death camps. I would like someone to sincerely explain how this does NOT trivialize the Holocaust. Because unless you believe this is all a lead-up to Trump systematically murdering millions of people then perhaps you need to take a breath. I know: it is intoxicating to believe you are a Woke Cassandra standing on the tracks of the oncoming Nazi Train. Unfortunately, you sound like pre-teen girls talking about Slender Man. From Wiki: "Media scholar and folklorist Andrew Peck attributes the success of the Slender Man to its highly collaborative nature. Because the character and its motives are shrouded in mystery, users can easily adapt existing Slender Man tropes and imagery to create new stories.... Although nearly all users understand that the Slender Man is not real, they suspend that disbelief in ord...

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Hitler was a proponent of marijuana, too. I think I read that on Snopes.

Regarding Colbert, in Malcolm's words: is he too stupid or too full of himself to notice that what he does is morally indefensible?

And maybe they can't be a boutique like Netflix, but dammit they are set on at least being Target.

So it seems that blacks can be either tough cops, tough thugs, masculine athletes or drag queens, without much in-between.

Oh: in 1997 Gilbert was in 'Sports Theater with Shaquille O'Neal'.

There is no graceful way to get off the field when you have just shit yourself in front of everybody during your Victory Lap.

Is it that Starbucks' coffee tastes too burnt?

More than race, the opinions on this issue probably divide rather cleanly between those who have worked low-level retail jobs since the start of the new century and those who haven't.

Because what the director is saying is that Billy Dee "Colt .45 It Gets The Job Done" Williams had sex with men, too.

You are spending the time in an exercise that was primarily made so that the executives can check a box for the lawyers to point to in potential lawsuits.